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Heavy Games Club

Welcome to...

Heavy Games Club!

Blue Highway's Heavy Games Club was formed after hearing many local board gamers share how they wish there was a way to more easily get together with others to play longer, more complicated games aka heavy games. We've set up a regular meet-up, formed a Facebook group, and added many heavy games to our library! This is a great space for experienced gamers and folks looking to start their journey into Heavy Games! 

1st Sunday of Every Month!
So mark your calendars!

Session 1 from 12:00-4:00 PM
Session 2 from 4:00-8:00 PM

About the Club:
- The club meets up once a month formally: On the first Sunday of each month (which has 2 separate time slots). Each meet-up is scheduled for 4 hours blocks. Folks are also encouraged to meet up outside of our regularly scheduled event! 

- Types of Games: longer, more complicated games that take on average 2-3+ hours to play. Examples: Kanban EV, Power Grid, Horesless Carriage, Spirit Island, Weather Machine, Black Forest, Root, etc.

- Anyone is welcome to attend any meet-up. Anyone who attends can join an empty seat at a game table or pick out a game for others to join!

- BHG staff is in charge of the admin work behind the club (updating website page and social media, etc.). The actual gameplay time, rules teach, set up/clean up of games, and decisions of which games will be played at each meet-up is up to the club members. 

- Participants are welcome to bring their own games or borrow one form the Blue Highway has a game library. We have lots of games to choose from. Feel free to stop by to check out our library. 

- Members and those interested in knowing more about the store and our events are encouraged to sign up for our BHG newsletter to receive updates and reminders about upcoming events including Heavy Games Club. Sign up via the website (located on the Homepage att the bottome of the page) or email us at [email protected] to let us know you'd like to sign up or if you have any questions!

- Members can also join the Heavy Games Club Facebook Group run by Blue Highway Games: click here to join the group!

- Occassionally Heavy Games Club is cancelled if a local game convention occurs over the first Sunday on the month. Many of our regular event attendees also attend local game conventions.

Updated: 3/2/2025